Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Ours is my favorite story, it is also one of my favorite secrets. As our Anniversary looms over (Oct 4th!)  I decided to finally spill the beans on this little blog and share just how much adventure you've brought to my life. Out of all my favorite things about you, one of my most favorite is that you are a man of few words.We both know that I've always been the verbose one out of the two of us, I'm still learning to express myself in your subtle ways. You express your love for me so grandly in your own way that my words seem so trivial. Your gestures of love without needing to say anything make me weak in the knees even now. This season of our life is full of excitement, even with this bump we call deployment and I can't wait to celebrate our commitment to spend our lives together once you're finally home.

I can't wait to hold you, laugh with you, brew beer together, fight with you, thrive with you and unfold with you every day for the rest of my life. I love this bond between us on our best days and our worst. My hope is that we never stop changing. I also hope that we never stop growing, challenging one another, breaking, shedding and prodding into new parts of each other and ourselves. You and me, we fit together like puzzle pieces my love. All the parts of me, the ones I'm proud of and especially the ones I'm not so proud of, blossom because you are in my life. This love of ours, this relationship, has been one of the most challenging things I've done, and after all these years (four! Can you believe it?!) there is absolutely nothing I'm more proud of.
Without you, I'd only be a shadow version of myself C. I am me because I have you. I am a better friend, partner, and human because of you. Because we can't celebrate this milestone across from each other chugging beer (me beating you at it, naturally), eating a delicious meal we prepare together and seeing your handsome face in the flickering candlelight, my words will carry us over for the next 233 days. And to all this, your eyes will moisten and you will reach for the screen and tell me that you've loved me for so long. And tell you what my love, that will be absolutely grand.
So here's to the miracle that we are here and now. To this season of our life, of conscious committment. And heres to all those laughs we still haven't laughed, the lines on our faces that are still to come from staying up a little too late and some leaner moments that we have still to soldier through, and the thrills we still have to earn and learn. Here's to the life we've made together, full of adventure.

I can't wait to dress in white for you and hand you my whole heart. For the rest of our lives. How becoming it is to have touched the green light.

Yours. Forever.

PS. All pictures are taken by Amy Sandoval while we were on our vacation to Virginia Beach.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

lets get real.

I haven't posted on here for a while because I was afraid to be too negative. You see we are finally down one month of deployment... cue in confetti. But these days I'm just overwhelmed. School is so tough right now. I'm in my Senior year, taking all my tough Biology classes, test all seem to be lining up during the same weeks, the course load is something ridiculous, I'm barely treading water. On top of that I've been super slacking on crossfit, which I constantly nag myself about because I've been missing so many classes. AND to put the cherry on it, I've missed more than a couple sessions with C because I'm just SO busy! Ladies, you know the feeling... You know he understands, but you just feel so so so guilty for being too busy for your man away at deployment! So can we just get real for a minute?
Deployment sucks. I mean I made all these goals and plans, but at the end of the day that really doesn't replace seeing C. Having him here, going through the monotony of everyday. I don't mean this in a whining way... but the reality of it is that some days really are worse than the others. I promised myself to write my version of my little experience with Army life and it would be wrong to exclude these moments. I know this is only a phase, a minor bump through the rest of deployment but oh does it suck!  I finally got a chance to skype with C yesterday and I burst into the tears mid-sentence, I whined about how much I miss him and how I'd rather just him have a "regular" job. Being the sweet man that he is, he consoled me from those thousand miles away, told me it would get better and that I have to keep focusing on the light at the end of the tunnel. We are getting through this. So ladies heres to my first major deployment breakdown and being real about what we have truly signed up for.
So. All in all deployment sucks this week.

Friday, September 6, 2013

How to make a delicious green smoothie?

I am currently in love with green smoothies! I know, I know. As you're reading this you're wondering why would I willingly drink one of these everyday but just hear me out. Not only are the health benefits endless for something like this, but it also helps to satisfy my tiny bit of sweet craving. I'm going to share with you guys one of my favorite go-to green smoothie recipe. Although you can definitely alter it. The key is to pick a green and fruits that balance each other out. So you aren't drink spinach puree.
I used:
About 1/2 a cup of kale
1 banana
1/2 an orange
Roughly about a cup or so of coconut water

Stick it all in your blender. Be sure to take out the stems of kale. And blend away. Generally, I like to add mangoes in my green smoothie but we ran out earlier last week.
I generally drink these with a very simple salad. Meaning, dressing on the side and nothing else added. It makes for a light, quick and easy meal on stressful school/work days.

And Voila! There you have it! A yummy, healthy smoothie!