This summer has been overwhelmingly rainy here in Georgia. I remember when I was visiting C in Texas and how despite the hot weather I was grateful I got away from the monsoon we have been experiencing in Georgia! Although yesterday it seemed like the entire universe was participating in how dull I felt, between missing C's phone call and just simply missing him I was pretty bummed. But I made sure to not sit at my parent's house and wallow, SO I decided during my "Desperate Housewives" marathon that something needed to be done to shake off this funk. Monday marks the beginning of my last fall semester as an undergrad student, so naturally I went back-to-school shopping at target. Retail therapy anyone? I could literally write an entire dissertation on the awesomeness that is target.

Something is perfectly right about the world when it rains and you have a floral raincoat isn't it? I've been looking for pretty raincoats for a long time (this one is my sisters.) Seriously tell me if you guys know where to find one.

I adore these pictures above, because they one of the few super clear ones of my engagement right. On the day C proposed (Aug 9, 2013) he took me this cute little place in town called "Mug Me" where you can paint your own pottery and they stick it in the kiln for you. He said, "How fun would it be to have our little mugs while I'm gone?!" So I went with it. The owner at Mug Me, who was also a teacher of C's while he was in college was gracious enough to write the date at the bottom of the mugs since he quietly confessed to her his proposal plans for the night. I've painted other pottery here before, but this one was my absolute favorite! His mug turned out much better than mine, even though during the process I teased him. They didn't come back in time for him to take with him on his deployment, but I plan to pour my tea into his mug. It's the little things.
Little moments are the best things aren't they? Walking in the rain, floral raincoats and C's mug for tea.
Yes for getting yourself out of your funk! Target is the BEST place for retail therapy. Those mugs are too cute!